Sunday, April 10, 2011


I am excited to reach another milestone in this project. 100 days is quite a few days in a row to snap pictures, yet when I think about 365 and how I have 265 more pictures, I get overwhelmed! One day at a time is my motto :)

I wanted to do some creative picture today, and I thought it was a creative idea, but I am very disappointed on how the pictures turned out. I can't NOT post a picture on this 100th day though; so here are the pictures anyway.
Can you guess what it is?

Does this make it a little more clear?


  1. i could see it was a keyhole right away. i think it's rather intriguing - like a scene from a horror movie - except with light on the other side of the door instead of darkness. :)

  2. I knew what it was right away and I thought it was a super unique shot. Don't get overwhelmed by your 365 project--just think about how amazing it will be to have your year documented this way at the end!

  3. Hi There!

    I'm about 80 days into my own 365 project, and I was cruising the Sunday Creative for some inspiration when I found a list of participants. I happened to stumble upon a link to your blog- and I love your pictures! I was even more excited when I saw you had pictures from Wheaton (I went to high school there)!!!

    I just wanted to compliment your work and send you some encouragement!

  4. I immediately saw the keyhole. It's a fabulous picture. To me it represents the limitless possibilities in life, wisdom, light, etc. In business this is a term my husband and I use often. "I've given you the key, now what would you like to do . . ." Empowering one another.


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