Thursday, April 14, 2011


This photo was nothing short of challenging to capture! I drive past this swing daily and find it very endearing, so I pulled over to the side of the road to snap a few shots. The brush along the side of the road is just thick enough to make my camera focus think that I was shooting a close up of the branches; therefore causing the swing to come out blurry. I searched for a mostly clear shot and then had to edit out the branches that took away from the focus being on the swing. I am pleased with how it turned out, but it's not at all how I pictured it would be!


  1. it's lovely, no matter how you got it! lots of brush left in that photo - just behind now!

  2. I love how it turned out and I really like the black and white. I had a hard time taking my outdoor shot today because is was so windy...glad your swing was not blowing:)


  3. WOW- this is my favorite of the week :D Love the processing too!!!!


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