Friday, April 15, 2011


This was a fun one! I take so many pictures during the day and would like to start challenging myself with lighting and night shots. I got the *brilliant* (HA!) idea to use an LED flashlight to add some shine to an otherwise dark room. My subject was a little vase that has lovely smelling magnolia's in it that my neighbor picked for me :)

Here's the set up:
Please note, I purposely bumped up the brightness even though it made the shadows pretty noisy! I did it so you can catch my reflection in the window, camera in one hand and flashlight in the other. I can only imagine what my neighbors must have thought!!

SOOC. Dark room, LED light shining it's eerie green on the flowers :)

I turned the light on above this window and used the flashlight to shine "up" to create some shadows. Lighting wasn't quite as "glowy" as I would hope for though so off went the lights again!

Love the shadows that were created in this one!
I think this one is my favorite! :)

Obviously I still have a lot to learn, but I wasn't horribly disappointed with my first attempt :)


  1. I played with a flashlight while sitting out by a lake the other night... my subjects all had glowing faces above no bodies! ... I'd say you pulled this off very well!!! I love the shadows on the fourth one!


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