Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Rainy day

First attempt at catching raindrops as they fall :)

we had just gotten home and there was a train going by, Miles watches them everytime!

I adore child profiles!

similar to the one above this, but so different at the same time!

Check out the gutter drips :)

Caught the pups snuggled up together, so sweet since they usually lay on seperate couches!

Clickin' away at Franko and he hears something outside! He's about to pounce off the couch to check it out!


  1. great pictures. love the drips and drops pictures. always fun to capture nature at it's best

  2. oops! rain girl? hard to see in that little hood all scrunched in...

  3. Bwaha!! You were right the first time ;)


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