Wednesday, April 27, 2011


My Appearance on TLC's "What the Sell?!"
Can I tell you how wild it is to see yourself acting on TV?! My kids got a kick out of it too! :) They were screaming and yelling when I came on. What fun!

two thoughts with this pic, next time I am wearing fake lashes! And no, my name is not Marina :) It must be a "stage name" LOL!

Handshake with Gloria sealed the deal :)


  1. Oh, is that the show about the store in Wheaton? I've never seen it, but that's too cool! :-)

  2. Well, Marina, you sold the royal engagement ring? :)

  3. Dorian, that's the store! I was in there numerous times before the show started and I was SO excited to see a store "I know" on TLC :)

  4. So cool! You are FAMOUS Lady ;D


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